Recording source: Doran's SkyDrive

Recording source: Incabocla
Oh! Minha Santa Maria
Vem aqui nos levantar
Levantar Santa Bandeira
Que o mundo vai precisar

Ela é a colhedeira
Está sempre a ensinar
Vive na boca do povo
E ninguém quer respeitar

Mas da ilusão nasce o novo
O meu Pai veio amostrar
Levantou Santa Bandeira
Pra Mamãe vir nos limpar
Oh! My Santa Maria
Is coming here to raise us up
To raise up a Holy Banner
That the world is going to need

She is the gatherer
She is always a teaching
She lived in the mouth of the people
And nobody wants to respect her

But the illusion is born again
My Father came to sample
Raised the Holy Banner
For Mother to come to clean us